Game Jam projects

 I like to participate in a couple of game jams throughout the year: the Global Game Jam and a local game jam in Portland called Summer Slow Jams (hosted by Pigsquad). I work on the game jams with my colleagues. On these game jams, I am responsible for the game design, gameplay and art implementation, as well as UI. I create the game design doc from an idea the group has agreed on, work with the programmers to establish the core game loop, then implement and iterate to refine the gameplay and finalize the art. Here are a few of the games created over the years.

Crimson Crescendo - Summer Slow Jam 2020

This is an isometric action game. This was the first game jam that my team and I used Godot for and it was a really great experience. I had a lot of creative freedom on this game being the Art Director and Creative Director. I wrote the game design doc, created the environment and world, all the UI and cover art, well as set up the character animation states.

Nimble and Brick - Global Game Jam 2022

This is a 2.5D side scroller. For this jam I wanted to create a polished and cohesive side-scrolling level with a completely 2D look. I also wanted to showcase the art in the level by having the background change to reflect the actions of the player.

Sky Shepherd - Global Game Jam 2021

This is an isometric “shooter”. I wanted to keep the mechanics simple with only one stick for movement and one button to shoot. Once the mechanics were established I created a variety of levels to keep the player engaged.

Robot Pitcrew - Global Game Jam 2020

This is a co-op party game. The players work as a team using a variety of tools to repair a robot before time runs out. The object of the game was to create a cooperative experience where players had to work together and communicate with one another in order to be successful.

Brawl Crawl - Summer Slow Jam 2019

This is a 2.5D co-op beat 'em up. We created a large crowd of AI for the player to battle against. What the game lacks in depth it makes up for with the sheer number of enemies, character variety, and punches! This was definitely a fun one to work on!

Hiveland Security - Global Game Jam 2019

This is a 2D wave-based tower defense game (co-op optional). The goal of the game was to create a fun experience that ramped up in difficulty with surprises here and there to keep the player on the edge of their seat. One of the most polished jams I’ve worked on!

Carrier - Global Game Jam 2018

This is a split screen multiplayer PVP flight game. The goal was to create an asymmetrical pvp game where each team had different objects. One team has to reach the goal, the other must element the opposing team before they reach the goal.



I enjoy designing mechanics and then implementing them in prototypes to test them out, fine-tune them, and bring them to life. Below you will find some of the prototypes I’ve created in Unity and Unreal.I enjoy designing mechanics and then implementing them in prototypes to test them out, fine-tune them, and bring them to life. Below you will find some of the prototypes I’ve created in Unity and Unreal.

Unity Prototypes

2.5D side scroller - For a game jam

I loved playing side scrollers as a kid and I enjoy them to this day. I was interested in creating a 2.5D side scroller similar to Shadow Complex or Metroid Samus Returns. This game jam provided the perfect opportunity to explore that as all the artists on the project were 2d artists. I created the pipeline for a 2.5D game to see if we could pull off a 2d brawler. This prototype eventually became Brawl Crawl.

3D Platformer - Quick Prototype

This was a prototype that I built in less than a day to get the team to visualize what the game could look like. It was a platformer with a simple collection mechanic that would unlock more of the level, but I wanted to show how different the game could feel by having an isometric camera versus a 3rd person camera.

Unreal Prototypes

Weapon system - Design Test

I was given a design test a while back. The test was to create a weapon and break down the properties for the weapon in a design spec that is no longer than 1 page. After I created the design doc, I felt it was important to implement my design spec to see it in action and to test it out. You can find the design spec here.

Creature Controller - Personal Project

I really enjoy creating character controllers and hooking up gameplay mechanics to the character and I saw an opportunity to create a creature controller with a free dragon asset from the Unreal Marketplace. It allowed me to test out movement, attacks, and flight!

 If you would like to know more about these games or game development in general please send me a message. For more info on game design and game development, visit my blog.